A friend of retro computers writes me from Venezuela and sends me 2 games for the FX-880P/850P, Alphabet and Langoliers (Both games are in Spanish) So far there is nothing particularly surprising, the funny thing is that one of the games (Langoliers) is about killing Martians, playing this type of game with my FX-880P is […]
Today a friend wrote to me from Argentina to send me 2 programs for our mythical 880/850, they are already posted in the programs section. One of them solves systems of equations up to 30×30, the 880 only solves 7×7 by default. And the other finds the roots of a polynomial, it works well on […]
Slowly we increase the items for sale, which started with an interface cable and 2 Casio models, now there are quite a few Casio models besides HP, Sharp and TI. The most interesting items I am selling are, PB-2000C calculators and accessories such as Basic OM-53B, Prolog OM-51P and soon I will have several units […]
I have added the new section of Store, now you can buy that Casio calculator Fx-880p or FX-850p that you were looking for. All the calculators are used, but are revised and are in perfect condition, in case of damage or lockup, it will be revised clearly. All the photos at our store are of […]
I got an email of someone whoes calculator Casio 880 is having troubles after changing the batteries, as it is a very common failure on Casio FX-880P and FX-850P, I write here the question and the solution. Message: I cannot make the calculator work after changing the batteries, the TM, SN error codes […]
Introducing a program manually is simple, but also hard depending of the program’s size. As a simple example, we will introduce this program: MODULO Calcula el módulo de un vector. 10 PRINT”COORDENADA X”:INPUT A 20 PRINT”COORDENADA Y”:INPUT B 30 PRINT”COORDENADA Z”:INPUT C 40 PRINT”EL MODULO ES” 50 PRINT(A^2+B^2+C^2)^0.5 60 PRINT”OTRO MODULO 1/0″:INPUT D:IF D=1 THEN 10 […]
In our lovely calculators are some programs from the library not documented in the manual and not in the paper enclosure in the list of programs that comes with the calculator. Some of these hidden programs, are: 0400 ->Testing program of the calculator. 0800 ->Program for the printer. 0900 -> Converter of PB100 to FX-850P. To […]
I have created this web about Casio calculators, because whenever there is less information in the Internet about these wonders, that refuse to go away by the time. I have enough information about the calculators, I have had many, and I have been selling interface cables years ago. Besides, I have so many programs, many […]